Welcome to The Coaches Box

The Instant High School, Middle School, Club and Youth Sports Recognition and Award Program

With the Coaches Box you can instantly recognize the sporting accomplishments of every player on your team. No more waiting for a banquet at the end of the season. Now you can recognize your athlete's achievements with a hand crafted sport award pin that they can proudly wear on their team cap, uniform, sweater, lapel or jacket

Questions or Orders Call 401/742-8692

Coach Vic Caldarone, founder of The Coaches Box, demonstrates a basic pinning technique

Coach Vic Caldarone, founder of The Coaches Box, demonstrates a basic pinning technique

Here are just a few of our featured sport award pins. 

Baseball, Softball Coaches Box
"New" Baseball Coaches Box
Lacrosse Coaches Box
The Coaches Box is a great way to recognize the kids. They love these pins.
— John Bohem, Birmingham Alabama
I’m a wrestling coach. My kids love getting recognized for their hard work. I even sometimes give pins to my wrestlers’ opponents.
— Bob Hartwick, Wilmington N.C.